Scott Napper
Scott Napper is a Professor of Biochemistry as at University of Saskatchewan as well as a Senior Scientist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-Internal Vaccine Center (VIDO-InterVac). A protein biochemist by training, his research interests are based in the application of structure-activity investigations within the context of infection and immunity. His primary research activities are in the development of vaccines and therapeutics for livestock diseases. A vaccine for prion diseases, such BSE and CWD, developed within the Napper lab, based on the specific induction of immune responses to the pathological conformation, is currently undergoing commercialization. The Napper lab is also responsible for the development of species-specific peptide arrays that enable analysis of global kinase (kinome) activity. A current priority of the Napper lab is to apply these arrays to understand the cellular mechanisms of livestock pathogens such as Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Outside of the lab Scott has a strong interest in Science Education and works actively with the Secondary Education System to help translate higher level science and mentorship to undergraduate and high school students. In the past five years, Scott has twice been awarded the University of Saskatchewan Teaching Excellence Award.
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